Our mission is to make change through empowering communities of artisan weavers. We believe in the idea that colour, art, fashion and craft can be a platform for inspired storytelling and hope.
Among Equals Bilum bags are handwoven by artisan weavers in Papua New Guinea, and we are committed to honouring and promoting this ancient tradition on a global platform. Every Among Equals Bilum is unique, a one-of-a-kind work of art particular to the weaver and her home in Papua New Guinea - along the Sepik River, The Highlands or Telefomin regions. Traditionally, these bags were used to carry hefty loads such as oranges and potatoes, and even serve as hammocks for sleeping babies. Today, we celebrate their art - each bilum bag captures the weavers craft and her story.
Our Community
Meet our wonderful ambassador Florence Kamel and the Among Equals community of weavers via a short film produced by Maximilian Homaei, created during our second visit to Papua New Guinea in 2017.